What is PCIT?

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based, short-term (14 - 20 sessions), specialized behavior management program designed for young children experiencing behavioral and/or emotional difficulties and their families.

PCIT teaches parents to manage their child’s difficult behaviors while increasing their positive behaviors. PCIT works with the child and parents together to improve behavior and reduce parenting stress.

How Does PCIT Work?

PCIT is an exceptionally effective treatment backed by over 30 years of research. Live coaching is a hallmark of PCIT. The therapist observes the parents and child together and then provides coaching on the PCIT skills. Parents and therapists work together to manage challenging child behaviors.

Is PCIT Good for My Family?

PCIT is a great fit for families with children ages 3 to 7 who display any of the following:

  • Parent-child relational problems

  • Refusal and defiance of adult requests

  • Easy loss of temper

  • Purposeful annoyance of others

  • Destruction of property

  • Difficulty staying seated

  • Difficulty playing quietly

  • Difficulty taking turns

PCIT is ideal for parents committed to addressing their child’s challenging behaviors. Success requires consistent participation in weekly sessions and regular practice of skills at home, as PCIT focuses on strengthening the parent-child relationship through hands-on coaching. Significant improvements are typically seen within 14 - 20 sessions. However, progress is skill-based, and the pace may vary.

Key Phases of PCIT

Child-Directed Interaction (CDI):
Parents learn healthy communication skills called PRIDE skills. These skills strengthen the parent-child relationship and promote positive child behaviors. 

Parent-Directed Interaction (PDI):
Parents learn effective commands and discipline procedures and gain confidence in setting consistent, effective boundaries through live coaching and daily practice. 

PRIDE Skills

PRIDE skills are used in PCIT to build strong, positive relationships and improve behavior.

Praise: Reinforce good behavior clearly

Reflect: Echo your child’s words back

Imitate: Copy positive actions in play

Describe: Narrate what your child is doing

Enthusiasm: Show excitement and positivity

Proven Benefits of PCIT

PCIT offers a wide range of benefits that help improve both child behavior and the parent-child relationship.

  • Enhances parent-child communication

  • Encourages cooperation and reduces disruptive behaviors in children

  • Promotes a sense of security and healthy attachment

  • Boosts parental confidence and effectiveness

  • Reduces parental stress

  • Reduces negative attention-seeking behaviors, such as whining

  • Increases child’s ability to manage frustration

  • Boosts child’s self-esteem and emotional well-being

  • Strengthens pro-social skills like sharing and turn-taking

  • Enhances problem-solving abilities

  • Improves attention and concentration